Indian Journalists union

The Indian Journalists Union (IJU) has expressed shock and grief at the brutal killing of Chhattisgarh journalist Mukhesh Chandrakar

Hyderabad/Chandigarh, 4 January 2025: The Indian Journalists Union (IJU) has expressed shock and grief at the brutal killing of Chhattisgarh journalist Mukhesh Chandrakar. In a statement issued on Saturday IJU President K. Sreenivas Reddy and Secretary General Balwinder Singh Jammu demanded time bound investigation and speedy trial to bring the perpetrators of the ghastly crime to justice.

Mukhesh Chandrakar, a 31 year old freelance journalist writing for several publications on corruption and tribal issues and also an YouTuber running a popular channel called Bastar Junctiin was reported missing on 1st of this month. His body was recovered yesterday in Bijapur town from the septic tank in the premises belonging to a contractor handling government works.

The IJU leaders expressed concern that attacks on journalists are on the rise and draw the attention of the government to the pending demand for enacting a special statute for safety of journalists. A sub committee of Press Council of India recommended for such enactment. The IJU leaders conveyed their condolences to the family of the victim. They said.

K. Sreenivas Reddy                                                                                                               Balwinder Singh Jammu)

President                                                                                                                                             Secretary-General


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