Indian Journalists union

IJU Letter To Shri Om Birla, Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha

Shri Om Birla,
Hon’ble Speaker,
Lok Sabha,
Parliament House,
New Delhi,

Dear Sir,

The restrictions being imposed on media persons in coverage of the ongoing Parliament session amounts to limiting the right to know of the people of the country. We all agree that people are supreme according to the Constitution. Media plays a vital role in empowering them with information. Coverage of proceedings of the Parliament, the temple of democracy is one of the most important duties of the media.

The information regarding the activities of the ruling party which leads the country’s administration and the opposition which scrutinises the acts of the treasury benches should reach the people in full as it directly affects their lives.

Present restrictions being imposed on media impair their ability to fulfil that function. While the limited access resulted in retrenchments in media, those who are left to cover the Parliament are finding it highly difficult to discharge their professional responsibilities.

Hence we request you to kindly restore the entry of all eligible journalists into the Parliament house while ensuring Covid-19 safety protocol. We request you kindly restore the entry of all journalists with permanent and sessional passes to Parliament complex and press gallery.

Thanking you
Yours Sincerely

K.Sreenivas Reddy
President, IJU

Balwinder Singh Jammu
Secretary General, IJU

Telangan State Union of Working Journalists (TUWJ)

K.Virahath Ali
General Secretary,
Telangan State Union of Working Journalists (TUWJ)

I V Subba Rao
Andhra Pradesh Union of Working Journalists (APUWJ)

Chandu Janardhan
General Secretary
Andhra Pradesh Union of Working Journalists (APUWJ)

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