TUJ Organizes Awareness Campaign To Voice Against Cash For Votes
Voters should not get influenced by the political parties giving payments in the form of cash or goods, said Journalists in Chennai while organizing the awareness campaign against the cash for votes culture. The campaign was organized on March 25,2021 at Saligramam, a prime location in the Chennai city. Social workers, journalists, citizens and students participated in large numbers.
“As journalists, we know how the political parties organize sophisticated operations and systematic methods to distribute cash or goods to buy votes. Despite repeated news reports and appeals from government authorities, the cash for votes culture is going out of control. Solution is not with regulations. We need to educate voters on the ways of respecting democracy to build a strong nation. Journalists have a great role in stopping the unethical practices during elections” said DSR Subash, President, Tamilnadu Union of Journalists (TUJ).
“The national leadership of Indian Journalists Union (IJU) is guiding us well in all our endeavors, both journalistic and social. We thank all those who took part in today’s campaign” said DSR Subash.
“Bribing and influencing voters through distribution of money is a sign of unhealthy democratic system. Cent percent voting should be our ultimate goal, ensuring total fairness in polling” voiced the participants through placards and slogans.